Common issues:  
For a password reset please utilize the Self Help Options below:
If the Self Help Options for password reset does not work, please fill in the following items. Someone will contact you for assistance.
ExpediaPay New User Account Creation: Manages ExpediaPay user accounts.
Please include the New User's First Name, Last Name, E-mail Address, and Vendor Name(s)
All other ExpediaPay questions:
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 6:00 AM - 4:00 PM (Pacific Time)
US, Canada and parts of the Caribbean: 888-397-1-7867
European Countries:
800-9-397-3342 or 0-1-817-524-4129
All Other Countries: 001-702-933-5452
ExpediaPay Technical Support: What we do
- Provide training for vendors on using ExpediaPay
- Give technical assistance for vendors if they encounter problems while using ExpediaPay
- Customizing e-bill templates
- Providing copies of e-bill spreadsheets
- Add or remove Users or vendors from ExpediaPay
- Provide guidance to vendors for easier use of ExpediaPay
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Expedia, Inc.